Anise is a highly aromatic, low-growing plant that produces feathery leaves and flowers on stalks that grow from one to two feet. About 1500 B.C., Egyptians grew their native Anise in great quantity to supply food, drink and medicine from its leaves and seeds.
Beneficial Uses: Anise Seed has long been used as a popular remedy to relieve digestive disorders. It is a tonic for the stomach that relieves nausea, abdominal pain and spasmodic flatulence. It helps prevent the fermentation and production of gas in the stomach and bowel and aids in expelling it. Aromatic Anise promotes good digestion, improves appetite and helps alleviate cramps and “griping” (sharp pains and grumbling in the bowels). Herbalists recommend it to soothe colic .
It is an effective expectorant that loosens phlegm in the respiratory tract; it stimulates secretions from linings of the throat and lungs and is particularly appropriate in cases of unproductive cough. It is especially comforting for colds and is used as a cough suppressant. It is considered a “secretagogue,” an herb that stimulates the body to secrete fluids and clear out congestion. Its alpha-pinene helps clear mucus from air passages and loosens bronchial secretions. Modern Greeks widely use its Seed for asthma and respiratory ailments. Aniseed is THE coughing herb.
Anise increase’s the production of breast milk in nursing mares.
Anise Seed is considered a fine antiseptic; it helps combat sinusitis and infection. Used externally, its antiseptic qualities have been used to treat lice.
My favourite use: It is said that if one hangs the seed head on your bedpost it is said to restore lost youth. I’ll keep you posted!
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